Personalise additional advice
There are many self-care tips that you can offer your customers with skin conditions
For customers with eczema:3
- After bathing/showering, pat the skin dry rather than rubbing
- Smooth emollients onto the skin in a gentle downward motion in the direction of hair growth
- Wash hands before applying creams to avoid contamination. If the emollient is in a tub use a clean spoon, rather than fingers, to remove the cream
- If using a steroid cream, wait at least 30 minutes after applying an emollient before applying the steroid cream
- Customers should be advised to keep away from fire, flames and cigarettes when using all types of emollients (both paraffin-based and paraffin-free). Clothing, bedding and dressings that have been in contact with an emollient can easily catch fire.
For customers with acne:
- Some topical treatments may dry or irritate the skin when first used. If affected, you can advise customers to stop treatment for a few days and then build use up gradually
- Stay hydrated – drinking water can help promote skin hydration, which can help prevent acne7
- Keep a food diary to see if certain foods, such as dairy products, trigger a breakout. Customers should discuss their findings with their GP before permanently eliminating any foods from their diet.8
Build loyalty
Boots offers a number of online skin services including access to a dermatologist and some prescription products.
Consider the following:
Are you confident in your knowledge of the Boots services available?
References last accessed April 2021.