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Personalise additional advice

You can use these consultations to provide additional advice to customers, for example, on how to minimise the risk of aches, pains and injuries when doing physical activities. 

You can advise customers to:

  • Ensure they warm-up before doing activities and end with a cool-down period
  • Stretch before and after activities
  • Start a new exercise routine slowly and gradually build up the intensity, duration and frequency
  • Vary activities to avoid overusing one set of muscles
  • Drink plenty of water before, during and after activities
  • Stop exercising if they feel pain and rest for a day. 

Build loyalty

Customers may be looking for advice and products to support an active lifestyle.

Which sports nutrition products could you recommend?
What supplements do you stock in store and online that are tailored to those with an active lifestyle?
What other products might they be interested in, e.g. knee supports or muscle rubs?