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Click through the Boots Healthcare Way cycle below to follow this month’s scenario on sinusitis:

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A woman approaches the counter.

Find out

She tells you that she has had a cold for a couple of weeks, but it is not going away, in fact she is feeling worse now.


You use the WWHAM questions to gather the information you require.

  • Who is the medicine for?
    You already know that the medicine is for the customer so you do not need to ask this question

  • What are the symptoms?
    She tells you that her nose is constantly blocked with yellow, smelly mucus. She also has a headache

  • How long has she had the symptoms?
    She has told you that the cold started two weeks ago but it is getting worse

  • Action taken?
    She has taken paracetamol for her headache

  • Medications or medical conditions?
    She does not take any other medicines. She is not pregnant or breastfeeding and has no allergies.

The customer is eligible for the Pharmacy First service as she has two of the symptoms listed and has been suffering for more than 10 days. Your pharmacy is offering Pharmacy First so you decide to refer her for this service.

After seeing the Pharmacist, the customer is supplied a prescription medicine. When collecting the prescription charge for this medicine, you have the opportunity to give some additional advice.


Advise her to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids.

You also advise the customer that she can continue to take paracetamol or ibuprofen for the pain and could use a saltwater solution to help clear her nasal passages. If she has been prescribed a steroid nasal spray, she should use the salt water spray before the steroid.

Build loyalty

Advise the customer to return after a week if the symptoms have not started to improve.