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Breastfeeding and bottle feeding

The World Health Organization recommends that babies are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life.1 Breastfeeding is considered best for babies and is known to have many benefits for both the child and mother.1 There are many reasons why parents may choose to combine breastfeeding and bottle feeding with infant formula, or to formula feed exclusively.2

Parents may ask for your advice on how to introduce formula feeds or how to prepare bottles for their babies. Helpful advice you can offer includes:3,4

  • Reduce the number of breastfeeds gradually as formula feeds are introduced – this will give the mum’s body time to adjust the amount of breastmilk being produced
  • Carefully clean and sterilise bottles, teats, and other feeding equipment
  • To reduce the risk of infection, make up feeds as the baby needs them, one at a time
  • Use freshly boiled water that has been cooled for 30 minutes to make up formula
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to make up the formula feed
  • Test the temperature of the formula before giving it to the baby
  • Throw away any made-up infant formula that may be left in the bottle after a feed