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Product overview

Vuse Pro

The Vuse Pro delivers a consistent vaping experience with every puff thanks to its optimised heating technology.


Key features include:

  • Upgraded slim & splash-proof design

  • Uses Vuse and Vype ePod Cartridges

  • Magnetic USB charger

  • 1.9ml pod capacity

  • Suitable for beginner vapers

Vuse Pro contains no tobacco and instead heats e-liquid to create a vapour. Vuse’s vapour scientific data is published in more than 80 peer-reviewed manuscripts, and the company has conducted over 160 scientific studies on its products.

Click for references


1. GOV.UK Stop smoking options: guidance for conversations with patients. Accessed at

2. NICE CKS Smoking Cessation: Scenario – Harm Reduction. Accessed at

3. NHS website. Using e-cigarettes to stop smoking. Accessed at Using e-cigarettes to stop smoking - NHS (

4. NICE guideline 209 [NG209] Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence.
Accessed at:

5. NICE CKS – Smoking Cessation: Benefits of stopping smoking. Accessed at

6. BNF Treatment Summaries – Smoking Cessation. Accessed at

7. NHS website. Stop smoking services help you quit. Accessed at:

8. Vuse website. Vuse Pro Device Kit. Accessed at:

Online references last accessed March 2024.