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Empowering you to meet regulatory and best practice requirements

 UPDATE: Use of the PQRF

In April 2022, the Product Quality Report Form (PQRF), used for reporting all adverse reactions/events or serious quality issues for all Boots branded medicines and medical devices, changed from a paper format to an electronic MyHub mission. One reason for this change was to support the reporting of adverse events (including special situations) and serious product quality issues relating to Boots branded products to the Support Office appropriately and within 24 hours of a store team member becoming aware of the issue. This reporting process is detailed in SOP AD7B (or SOP HAD6B for hospital stores), Reporting Adverse Events and Quality Issues on Boots Branded and Non-Boots Branded Licensed Medicines and Medical Devices.

We are pleased to share that since the MyHub mission launch, there has been a notable reduction in the number of follow up investigations required at store level following submission of a PQRF, because more complete information is being provided.

Information about use of the PQRF Mission is available on BootsLive


 IMPORTANT: Private prescription considerations

When presented with a private prescription, it is essential to review it in line with SOP DIS1 Pre-dispensing assessment and processing of a prescription and SOP A1 Professional/clinical assessment of a prescription, and to be alert to the possibility of a fraudulent prescription. While doing so, consider the professionalism of the document (e.g. is it headed paper, a private prescription form or on a scrap of paper), the prescriber’s details and whether you can readily check the validity of the prescriber, and if they are prescribing within their clinical area of competence. The Pharmacy Helpdesk is available for advice and support if you are unsure whether a prescription or a prescriber is valid.


 INFORMATION: Electronic token printing guidance (England only)

Pharmacy team members in England should be aware of recent guidance relating to printing of electronic tokens, provided in the Columbus Update May 2023 - Walk-In & Care Services dispensing teams.

This guidance states:

If you filter for certain preferences e.g. CHS and DDS, please ensure that after all preferences have been printed, you 'print all new’ with no filters applied. This will ensure that prescriptions for patients without a Columbus record or where their details are not fully matched, e.g. change of address, will be printed. When filtering by patient preference, please follow the process below to ensure all patient’s prescriptions are printed:

  • Navigate to the electronic prescriptions tab
  • Set a filter and select a single preference, e.g. CHS
  • Click ‘Print all new’
  • Repeat the above for all preferences that you may have in your store
  • Ensure all filters are cleared, then click ‘Print all new’.


 REMINDER: Consent to travel vaccinations

In order to use the Boots Travel Vaccinations and Health Advice Service, adult travellers must have capacity to provide informed consent to vaccinations. Those with parental responsibility for child travellers can provide consent on the child’s behalf and their relationship to the child must be documented during the consultation.

Any adult traveller who lacks capacity to consent must be referred to an appropriate alternative travel vaccination provider.

Note: Some other Boots private vaccination services allow another person who is legally able to act on the customer’s behalf to provide informed consent for the service. Read more about this here