Empowering you to meet regulatory and best practice requirements
#SafetyThroughInnovation: Following the correct processes when using automation
The importance of using Single Item Flow:
Working with semi-automated dispensing systems, such as Scan to Accuracy Check and Assisted Due Date Dispensing, require a different method of prescription assembly to the ‘traditional’ dispensing method. A video which explains how 'Single Item Flow' is the safest and most efficient way of prescription assembly and how this differs from traditional 'batch assembly’ methods is available to access here. Please ensure that you and your pharmacy team members watch this video.
Items with different flavours and semi-automated systems:
When data entering an item that is available in different flavours, it is important that correct flavour is selected in the ‘dispensed item’ field. The flavour selected in this field will be supplied by the Dispensing Support Pharmacy (DSP) or be ordered for assembly via Assisted Due Date Dispensing or Scan to Accuracy Check. The ‘patient preference’ box can be used to highlight the required flavour to team members and help to ensure that the correct flavour is supplied. Additional guidance on how to manage these prescriptions can be found in the ‘Flavour Prescribing Considerations at Clinical Assessment’ document, which can be accessed on the ‘Clinical Assessment & Scan to Accuracy Check’ page on BootsLive.
IMPORTANT: Promoting vaccinations to members of the public
The World Health Organisation states that vaccinations are critical to the prevention and control of infectious disease outbreaks. ‘Vaccination hesitancy’ is considered to be a delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccination despite availability of vaccination services. A number of influencing factors impact vaccine hesitancy. Pharmacy professionals and nurses are ideally placed in the community to answer questions on vaccinations and advise customers about national immunisation
programmes, including providing information about when vaccinations should be administered. Further information can be accessed by team members and patients here.
NEW: Folic acid supplementation in pregnancy
With the introduction of new legislation, non-wholemeal wheat flour will be fortified with folic acid (on a UK-wide basis) to help to reduce the number of neural tube defects (NTDs) in foetuses. Legislation was introduced in England in November and equivalent legislation is expected in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales shortly. Industry has a 24-month transition period to fully implement the changes, which need to be in place by December 2026.
It is important to follow current guidelines and continue to promote the importance of folic acid supplementation to women of child-bearing age and recommend that women who could become pregnant take a daily supplement of 400 micrograms (or a dose as directed by their GP) of folic acid before conception and up until the 12th week of pregnancy to reduce the risk of NTD-affected pregnancies. Further information can be accessed here.
UPDATE: Safe Spaces Scheme - supporting survivors of domestic abuse
In November 2024, the Home Office made the decision to withdraw the ‘Ask for ANI’ scheme. As a Company, Boots will continue to collaborate with the UK charity Hestia to offer the Safe Spaces Scheme which has been in operation in our pharmacies for several years. Our consultation rooms enable those experiencing domestic abuse to access the support they need in a safe and timely manner. A person who needs support might enter our stores and still use the ‘ANI’ codeword, so please make sure everyone in the team is vigilant, recognises the call for help and knows how to respond. Further information and supporting resources can be accessed on the ‘Safe Spaces Scheme - Supporting Survivors of Domestic Abuse’ page on BootsLive.